GUÌA 2022/2023
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Creemos en la necesidad de una afirmación de la cultura de la paz, la única que puede respetar y responder a los interrogantes más verdaderos y profundos de todos y cada uno, en el difícil camino hacia la fraternidad universal.

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Introducing “AFR.E.S.H. – Africa and Europe Same Horizon”! The project unites young leaders from both continents to tackle global challenges such as migration, climate change, inequalities, and conflicts. With 5 complementary educational programs, we aim to enhance leadership, emotional intelligence, communication skills, and civic participation among 1250 young participants and 125 youth workers. Join us in fostering a new era of collaboration and mutual growth!

 Dive into the experiences and insights from our diverse community watching our playlist on Youtube. You’ll find inspiring stories, learn about our impactful projects, and see how young leaders from Africa and Europe are making a difference.

Promovido por:

AMU Azione per un mondo unito
New Humanity per un mondo unito
teens4unity Ragazzi per l’unità

La red del Living Peace está en constante crecimiento gracias a compartir experiencias individuales y colectivas, actividades, fotografías, documentales, proyectos y otros!


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